University of Zielona Góra

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Results: 241 - 250 of 124 subpages

Wojciech Lewandowski 2024-10-28

changes (moding). Studies of this type are a key source of information on the mechanism of pulsar radio

Citations’ analysis 2023-01-31

there is at least one common author for the citing and cited publication. Reduced data, i.e. data that

Assoc. Prof. Lech Szczegóła, PhD 2025-03-12

) for scientific achievements. He is a member of the Polish Sociological Association, the Lubuskie

Botanical Garden 2023-11-24

explore the garden with a guide. The Botanical Garden is a perfect place for strolls and relaxation with a

Discover new directions and choose studies at UZ! 2024-04-02

Central Laboratory of the Institute of Environmental Engineering 2023-09-28

We offer to do the analyses of water for drinking, in the scope compliant with the Regulation

Laboratory of Multimedia 2023-10-24

simulation and terrain generation. Operating systems like Microsoft Windows and Linux are used for teaching

Laboratory of Multimedia 2023-10-24

simulation and terrain generation. Operating systems like Microsoft Windows and Linux are used for teaching

summer semester 2023-04-26

Employment opportunities / Information about the field of study 2025-02-18

specialist knowledge necessary for the efficient management of enterprise resources and efficiently
Logo programu Widza Edukacja Rozwój Biało-czerwona flaga i napis Rzeczpospolita Polska Logo Euopejskiego Funduszu Społecznego
Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Vision Education Development 2014-2020 "Modern teaching and practical cooperation with entrepreneurs - a development program of the University of Zielona Góra" POWR.03.05.0-00-00-Z014/18